Urgent signs a UPS battery is on its last legs

UPS batteries are awesome components for a wide range of reasons – perhaps most of all their ability to last significantly longer than other batteries on the market. However, they do have a shelf life and at some point – you’ll need to know when to move on to a new one.

Today, we’re going to discuss some of the most urgent signs that that day may be coming sooner than you think and that it might be time to consider purchasing a replacement. Let’s jump right in!

Frequent caution lights

This is something that SHOULD be caught by a service pro – but if you’re noticing amber lights coming up on a unit’s display on your own – testing should be done immediately. Don’t wait until the next maintenance visit because it might be too late. Call up your maintenance pros, have them come test the battery. More often than not, it’s going to be replacement time. 

You notice bulging or damage

WIth some older, lead acid UPS batteries – you might notice a slight bulge overtime that can eventually distort the chassis of the battery itself. If you’re noticing this or any physical deformity such as leaking, discoloration and the like – you should get your battery replaced immediately. Letting these issues linger can lead to damage to other essential systems and in the absolute worst case scenario – a battery explosion. 

It’s been a while

Many UPS batteries can last up to and a few even beyond 10 years – but the majority have roughly a 3-5 year lifespan. We tell our customers that best practice is to consider purchasing a new UPS battery sometime in that time span. While your battery may have some life left in it still – it’s better to be safe than sorry. The one thing you don’t want to deal with is a power outage and the battery simply doesn’t work or isn’t able to give you the capacity you need to keep things afloat. Err on the side of caution. 

Hopefully, you found today’s blog helpful. If you’re looking to purchase a new or replacement UPS battery for your business, give us a call today and we’ll be happy to help! Until then, good luck!