The four most important factors to consider when purchasing a UPS Battery

A lot of folks know that investing in a UPS battery is the right move, but aren’t sure where to start or what kinds of things they need to be thinking about when making their purchase. Today, we’re going to address that by discussing a small list of the major things that you need to take into consideration when investing in a UPS battery.

If you answer these questions and think about these things, you’ll get a battery that works well for you and your business. Let’s jump right in!


Above all else, you’re going to want a UPS battery that is durable. The answer here is obvious – that you’ll get more value for your investment. The longer a battery lasts, the better off you’ll be – but you’ll also have more protection for your business. So make sure that if you’re investing in a battery – that it’s built to last.


Size unfortunately matters when it comes to UPS backup system requirements. What you don’t want to do is purchase a battery that’s not strong enough or has too much juice for your system. Be sure to check in on what your system’s specific needs are – or if you don’t know – check with a professional. 


Cost factors into every single business decision you’ll make and UPS batteries are no different. While it’s a good thing to make sure you don’t break the bank on purchasing a UPS battery your system simply doesn’t need – the opposite also holds true. The old saying is that you get what you pay for and while some costs may seem a little steep up front, they pale in consideration to what they’d be if your system failed and you lost all that information. Be mindful of your budget, but don’t let that awareness box you into a corner where you can’t react in the event of the worst happening. 

The types of UPS Batteries out there

UPS batteries come in three main shapes/sizes – standby, line-interactive and online. Learn what these different kinds of batteries are and be cognizant of which ones are going to work best for what your needs are. Also know what the power consumption rates are of whatever battery you’re looking to buy.

If you consider these four factors when purchasing a UPS battery, you’ll be in pretty good shape. And while it should go without saying – if you have other questions -ask your service professional and they’ll be able to point you in the right direction. Until then – good luck!